In his first interview since Facebook's disappointing initial public offering, CEO Mark Zuckerberg's comments drove shares of the struggling social media company up 3 percent, an increase some analysts said could not be sustained. At the Disrupt San ...
Has social media affected the approach of CBA talks?
CSNChicago.com (blog)
Discussions of whether social media has actually been playing a role throughout the CBA negotiations have continued over the past few months. And while it may seem clear that fans' tweets expressing their dissatisfaction about the potential lockout won ...
Schools That Are Smart at Social Media
PC Magazine
In college, the learning environment extends far beyond the classroom walls. It's also about acclimating to new settings, as students are thrust into a more social world—some, perhaps, for the first time. Whether students are quizzing each other in ...
Kid actors face network, studio retribution over social media comments
Today.com (blog)
Young actors in Hollywood have a new hurdle to overcome in their budding careers: Roving studio executives who patrol Twitter, Facebook Inc. and other social media sites with the threat of legal action if the young thespians disclose too much.
NYPD Social Media: Ray Kelly Instructs Cops To Use Facebook Aliases ...
Huffington Post
The Daily News reports Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said officers working on investigations involving social media are permitted to register aliases under the department and use "department-issued laptop whose Internet-access card can't be traced back ...
Will Obama ride social media to victory once again? (George Talbot)
Press-Register - al.com (blog)
The amazing amount of data available through sites like Google, Facebook and Twitter reveal a series of trends that bode well for President Barack Obama, whose adroit use of social media was one of the keys to his election in 2008. Four years later ...
Press-Register - al.com (blog)
How social media helped tell the story of the Democratic National Convention
by Melissa Abbey Published Sep. 12, 2012 8:38 am. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other sites have generally been treated as tools to produce or distribute a traditional story. But increasingly, journalists are starting to see greater potential in ...
Reaping From the Social Media War
For his famed domestication of social media, he did not think of the ingenuity of control. Lately in his bi-weekly record of achievements, even his spokesman failed to add this feat to the litany of record breaking achievements credited to this Mr ...
Police learn how to use social media to bypass reporters | Poynter.
By Andrew Beaujon
Standing for journalism, strengthening democracy | Journalism training, media news & how to's.
Internet and Social Media Marketing Jobs
By Frank Reed
Looking for a new gig in the digital and social media marketing space? Looking for the perfect employee to fill ...
Marketing Pilgrim - Internet...
Can China's Social Media Break the Chains of Censorship?
By Helle Dale
Social media in China are pushing the envelope of government control, but China's censors are demonstrating that they still have the stuff. For instance, where to turn for news if one of your country's top officials has mysteriously disappeared?
The Foundry: Conservative Policy...
3 Tips to Avoid Social Media Suicide | Social Media Today
By Angela Irizarry
3 Tips To Avoid Social Media Suicide So you've added Social Media as a key part of your marketing strategy, now what? Many brands miss the mark when they dive into a social media campaign. When the hard sell doesn't work, profiles go ...
Social Media Today - The world's...
Social Media Isn't Rocket Science; It's Social by @LeslieMcLellan ...
By Guest
Social media doesn't have to be rocket science. In fact, for small businesses with a small budget, it can still bring sales growth and must be kept simple.
Spin Sucks
No 'Pinterest For Cats': Google Ventures' Kevin Rose Shoos Away Copycat ...
Few people have seen the ups and downs more up close and personally than Kevin Rose, partner at Google Ventures and cofounder of Digg, the social news site that could have been Reddit but faded and is now trying for a comeback under new owner ...

Few people have seen the ups and downs more up close and personally than Kevin Rose, partner at Google Ventures and cofounder of Digg, the social news site that could have been Reddit but faded and is now trying for a comeback under new owner ...
Here's Why Chase Coleman Loves LinkedIn
Insider Monkey (blog)
Instead of letting off the gas that's driving growth, LinkedIn plans to continue to expand its services internationally, while improving its core services that engage existing customers. LinkedIn can already be viewed in 17 languages, but the company ...
Insider Monkey (blog)
15 LinkedIn Tips to Improve Your Job Search
PC Advisor
LinkedIn is an invaluable social network for both job hunters and seasoned professionals, but it's also used by recruiters to find the candidate with the perfect mix of skills. The right LinkedIn profile can boost your visibility, improve your overall ...
Techonomy Detroit: Twitter, AOL and LinkedIn founders to speak in Detroit ...
Techonomy.JPG View full sizeTechonomy Media Inc.Techonomy Detroit is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sept. 12 at Wayne State University. DETROIT, MI- Technology gurus from all over the state and country are expected to download to Detroit today ...
Google Drive, LinkedIn and Stitcher Radio Apps Get Solid Updates
CIO (blog)
LinkedIn recently added push notifications to its iOS and Android apps. When someone likes your LinkedIn status update, checks out your profile or accepts an invitation to connect, the LinkedIn app on your mobile device lets you know. In the past, you ...
CIO (blog)
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn - good or bad for business?
One principal question for companies in the context of social media is whether the use of sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn increases or decreases productivity. Research on the matter has not been conclusive, but the overwhelming conviction is that ...
A Lone Inventor Started A Company To File Patent Suits, And He's Going After ...
Business Insider
A Tennessee company that apparently exists just to file lawsuits claims Facebook, Amazon, and LinkedIn infringed its patents for targeted banner ads. B.E. Technology, founded by Martin David Hoyle of Destrehan, La., filed suit against the three ...
Business Insider
Facebook Drives Most Shopping Traffic But Pinterest Users Spend The
By James Johnson
Online Shopping Referrals Social media networks are big traffic drivers and when it comes to dominating the referral market no website is bigger than Facebook. While the world's largest social network might drive 85.8% of online shopping ...
The Blog Herald
Honest Buildings, the LinkedIn of Energy Efficiency, Raises Series A ...
By info@greentechmedia.com
RockPort and Mohr Davidow put undisclosed investment into the social media app for green buildings.
By info@greentechmedia.com
RockPort and Mohr Davidow put undisclosed investment into the social media app for green buildings.
Pinterest and Global Health | Global Health Hub: news and ...
By Karen Grepin
Keeping up with global health & development news, blogosphere, journals, forums, events, jobs and more.
Global Health Hub: news and blogosphe...
Being a (P)individual: Defining Success on Pinterest | Edelman Digital
By Diana Kelter
From contributor boards to measurement and contests, defining success on Pinterest requires reading between the pins.
Edelman Digital
LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner Just Revealed A Lot Of Amazing Facts ...
From Yahoo! Finance: Enterprises have become the key to its success.
From Yahoo! Finance: Enterprises have become the key to its success.
Facebook: Zuckerberg Rallies Stock, But Price Targets Cut as Well
Barron's (blog)
There is a surprisingly mixed reaction to Facebook (FB) CEO Mark Zuckerberg's appearance last night at the TechCrunch “Disrupt” conference, the first public appearance by Zuckerberg since the stock's IPO on May 18th. The shares are up this morning ...
Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook has overcome hurdles
Washington Post
12, 2012 - Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hasn't enjoyed watching his company's stock price plunge, but he is relishing the opportunity prove his critics on Wall Street wrong. "I would rather be in a cycle where people underestimate us,'' he said Tuesday.
Permission Marketing: Facebook's Cash Cow and a Marketer's Dream
Huffington Post
We're on Facebook to connect with friends, not brands, and advertising is an uninvited interruption. Enter permission marketing ... The network effect of a successful campaign is tremendous but ongoing budgets are required and targeted Facebook ads work.
The Breakfast Meeting: Beck Back on TV, Facebook on Nipplegate
New York Times (blog)
Facebook has now responded to a blog post by Robert Mankoff, the cartoon editor of The New Yorker, who explained how the social site had blocked a cartoon showing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. His conclusion: under Facebook's rules, men's ...
Robin Wright's Facebook Tribute to Ambassador Stevens
Care2.com (blog)
by Robin Wright – this tribute appeared on Facebook this morning. The death of Chris Stevens is a travesty. He represented the very best of American diplomacy. He knew the streets, not just the elites. He had an infectious enthusiasm about the ...
NEW YORKER CARTOONS: Facebook does a '180' on 'Nipplegate'
Washington Post (blog)
According to Robert Mankoff, the magazine's cartoon editor, The New Yorker was “temporarily banned” from Facebook over a Mick Stevens cartoon posted on the New Yorker's Facebook page. The Stevens cartoon depicts the Garden of Eden, with Eve saying ...
Bulls' Rose takes Twitter stance on teachers strike
Chicago Tribune
After first going on his Twitter account (@drose) to say Monday that he hoped for a speedy resolution to the stalemate because "we need our kids in school," Rose became more impassioned in his Tuesday tweets: "I'm sitting here thinking how sad it is ...
Twitter Blog: NFL on Twitter: Week 1
By Twitter
Tweets were flying through the Twittersphere last week as all 32 NFL teams competed in Week 1 of the 2012 season. Fans flocked to Twitter to show support for their teams in what proved to be a week full of surprises, upsets and even some ...
Twitter Blog
Mark Zuckerberg: “A Facebook Phone Just Doesn't Make Any Sense ...
By Jordan Crook
There's long been rumors of Facebook entering the hardware space with a phone, as mobile is clearly the Achilles' heel of the largest social network in the world. But hardware isn't the answer, according to Zuck. “Let's say we built a phone…
Zuckerberg: betting on HTML 5 for Facebook mobile app was a ...
By Alexis Santos
Remember the days before Facebook's iOS app ditched HTML 5 and sped things up with some native code? It turns out that there's some regret in ... Trending posts from Engadget on Twitter, updated hourly. Sony's Cyber-Shot RX1 compact ...
Facebook's Zuckerberg Gives Zynga's Stock Price a Boost - Tricia ...
By Tricia Duryee
Trending – Reid Hoffman: Losing Twitter Made LinkedIn Better · Follow on Twitter »Subscribe onFacebook »Like on Facebook »Get the Daily Newsletter » · Tricia Duryee ... The social games company, which has faced its own struggles as a public entity and often trades in tandem withFacebook, was up a more modest 2.5 percent before closing at $2.86 a share. Zuckerberg largely kept his cool today, explaining that Facebook's stock performance was “disappointing,” and adding that ...
Facebook Stock Up 4.6% After Zuckerberg Interview
By Seth Fiegerman
It looks like Wall Street liked what Mark Zuckerberg had to say in his first interview since Facebook went public. ... 3 Comments. To leave a comment on this story, please log in with Facebook orTwitter ...
Zuckerberg ready to 'double down' on Facebook - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hasn't enjoyed seeing his company's stock get pummeled on Wall Street this summer, but he is relishing ...