Networks are part of daily life, and in a larger sense they've become business tools — marketing vehicles for celebrities, artists, musicians, writers, legacy media brands, and global social causes. Perhaps in the greatest example of what social media ...
Facebook Has A Festering, Global Problem With No Solution
Business Insider
All around the world – in France, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States – Facebook users are outraged that the social network has exposed, to all their friends, their private messages from years ago. Facebook profile pages are now ...

Business Insider
Social media as job recruitment tool, up in 2012
Deseret News
With the growth of social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, as well as lesser-known sites — Upspring, PerfectBusiness and Cofoundr — professional networking with the use of social media as a recruitment tool is becoming more prominent.

Deseret News
Last Call for College Bars
New York Times
But bar owners in the Collegetown neighborhood of Ithaca recently convened a worried summit about just this topic. Once upon a time, in the Pleistocene epoch before cellphones and social media, students used bars as meeting places, heading there after ...

New York Times
Students Are Choosing Colleges With Social Media Clout [STUDY]
By Joann Pan
A survey of 7000 high school students by Zinch reveals almost two-thirds of students are turning tosocial media when deciding which college or university to attend.
The Marketing Tactic that Social Media Marketers Often Forget ...
By Huyen Truong
Pinterest is a popular paranoia, Instagram is indecently addictive and Facebook is so big you cannot ignore it. Social media is the hot business marketing trend. It is discussed at coffee shops, dinner parties and countless conferences. You can ...
Jeffbullas's Blog
How social media is sinking Mitt Romney | Digital Trends
By Molly McHugh
Love or hate his politics, Mitt Romney's recurring social media slipups show how technology is changing the campaign game, and steepening on the learning curve.
Are Companies Responsible for Employees' Social Media Failures ...
By Patrick Coffee
Are Companies Responsible for Employees' Social Media Failures?
Myspace re-enters the social media ring with yet another rebrand ...
Justin Timberlake shed his boy band image to launch a successful career. Can he help Myspace do the same thing?
Infographics are not a Social Media Strategy: The need for social ...
It's not every day that I focus on social media tactics. However, I'm sharing this post to address a growing concern among social media and digital strategists and ...
WA governor candidate forum going social with a Google+ Hangout
The Seattle Times (blog)
SEATTLE — The YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish (YWCA) and their advocacy network, Firesteel, are hosting two round table discussions with the 2012 candidates for Washington state governor, Jay Inslee and Rob McKenna. Each one will answer ...
Google+ A Ghost Town? Maybe It's Your Fault
Marketing Pilgrim
Perhaps you've tried Google Plus, but came away a little frustrated. As I noted in an earlier post, Google Plus isn't the place for high school reunions. Many of your friends may not be a part of Google Plus and you won't see lots of old photos of ...

Marketing Pilgrim
Google Brings Interactive Google+ Events Notifications To Gmail, Lets You ...
Google+ users will also be able to share photos that were attached to the event. Earlier this year, Google introduced interactive Google+ email notifications, which allow Google+ users to view, comment and +1 posts from Gmail without having to leave ...
Come 'Hang Out with Harvey' in FSU Google+ live chat at 1 pm
Orlando Sentinel (blog)
Join Orlando Sentinel Florida State reporter Coley Harvey and national college football insider Matt Murschel for another edition of our Google+ "Hang Out with Harvey" live chat. The chat begins at 1 p.m. and will last until 1:30 p.m.. After a week off ...
Google+ trends: Happy birthday Google, 'Iron Man' from space
Yahoo! Philippines News
Google+ users are wishing Google a happy birthday on September 27 and buzzing about a Buddhist statue with extraterrestrial origins. Google celebrated its 14th birthday on September 27 by featuring an animated interactive Google Doodle of a chocolate ...
Come Hangout with Us and Discuss Food Waste
Sustainablog (blog)
A couple of weeks ago, several of us at Important Media started playing with Google+'s “Hangout on Air” feature, which essentially lets you hold a face-to-face online meetings, and broadcast it. We're hooked now, and decided we've had enough practice ...
Google+ Saved My Mom's Photos
Gotta Be Mobile
After sending off for a replacement phone, my mom told me the only thing she lost were her smartphone photos, but thanks to Google+ she didn't lose a thing. When my mom picked the LG Lucid on Verizon for her first smartphone, one of the first things I ...

Gotta Be Mobile
Video: Virtual roundtable discussion on the #Cybercrimelaw using Google ...
Blog Watch Citizen Media (blog)
This is a first in virtual discussion where we used Google Hangout with Youtube, livestream using , and twitter using the hashtag #cybercrimelaw. Atty JJ Disini and Atty Francis Acero discussed the questionable provisions ...

Blog Watch Citizen Media (blog)
Moms Matter 2012 Hangout - September 26
In our first ever Google Hangout, Election Correspondent Lindsay Ferrier speaks with conservative Republican blogger, Jenny Erikson (@JennyErikson) and tried-and-true Democrat writer and attorney, Nadia Jones (@JusticeJonsie) about the topics on the ...
Google Adds Another Dash Of Google+ To Gmail | WebProNews
By Chris Crum
The integration of Google+ into Gmail continues. Today, Google announced it has added interactive email notifications for Google+ Events invitations, so you can RSVP, invite and comment from the inbox. Google's Roshni Malani says you can ...
Top News - WebProNews
5 Ways to Manage Your Google+ Community | SiteProNews ...
By Dawn Pigoni
Google+ can play an essential role your social media strategy, you not managing it properly then you will not see results you hope for. The time energy you put into sites like Facebook Twitter should also divided into your Google+ community ...
SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources
Retweets, Facebook 'likes' can be libelous
MANILA, Philippines - Retweeting a comment on Twitter or clicking a Facebook "like" button can result in a lawsuit and imprisonment under the anti-cybercrime law's libel provision, a lawyer warned Thursday. Internet law expert Atty. JJ Disini said one ...
Giving Twitter star TJ Lang the final word
ESPN (blog)
Green Bay Packers guard T.J. Lang started off the Twitter reaction to Monday night's debacle at CenturyLink Field, so we might as well let him wrap it up as well. Here was Lang's reaction Thursday morning to news that the NFL had ended the lockout of ...
Instagram Beats Twitter in Daily Mobile Users for the First Time, Data Says
All Things Digital
That data comes from comScore, via a new mobile measurement report: It says that throughout August, Instagram had an average of 7.3 million daily active users — or DAUs, in Facebookparlance. That tops of Twitter's 6.868 million DAUs over the same ...
Facebook Begins Eliminating Fake Likes
ABC News
Facebook has begun eliminating fake Likes on brand Pages, after pledging to ramp up security in August. On Wednesday, the social network started weeding out bogus Likes caused by compromised accounts, deceived users, malware or purchased bulk...

ABC News
Big Advertisers Are Saying Lots Of Things About Facebook This Morning And ...
Business Insider
Selling things on Facebook, Lyne said, is like selling things in a bar. Lyne said Gilt has had exceptional success on Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter, albeit for different brands. Pinterest has been huge for JetSetter, because of all the beautiful ...

Business Insider
Facebook page publicizing 'snitches' in Tacoma
The Seattle Times (blog)
A Facebook page dedicated to publicizing "snitches" in the Tacoma area is being watched by law enforcement. Officials say the information posted on "Tacoma Snitches" is public information available in media reports and court documents. But KOMO News ...
Twitter reacts to NFL referees' return
@SJSamano: *Breaking News*: The #NFL and referees union may or may not have reached a deal, according to every #NFL reporter on Twitter. More to come. @MikeSielskiWSJ: Twitter at the moment: THE REFS ARE BACK! ARE NOT! ARE TOO! ARE NOT!
Facebook's $4.5 billion secret weapon
(NYSE:LNKD) and Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) have taken steps to limit their social networks' dependence on third-party ads, it seems like the best Facebook can do is ponder how they can improve the functionality of their mobile app. What if we told you ...
Facebook blasted for Jewish memes page
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
SYDNEY (JTA) -- A Jewish leader in Australia blasted Facebook for continuing to allow access to a page that “constitutes hate speech against Jews.” Peter Wertheim, the executive director of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, lashed out at the ...
Facebook Developer Consolidation: Marketing Outfit Betapond Buys ...
By Ingrid Lunden
Conversocial is a social customer service SaaS tool for Facebook and Twitter. It enables organizations to plug in their customer service teams to Facebook and Twitter, enabling better customer service and reporting with less agent time ...
Twitter Blog: TechWomen and my experience at Twitter
By Twitter
During my stay, I studied the impact Twitter had on Egypt and the MENA region, and I worked on research related to RTL (right-to-left) support in Twitter and other social media counterparts likeFacebook and Google+ from a native perspective.
Twitter Blog
Share stuff from Dropbox in your Facebook ... - The Dropbox Blog
By Chris Varenhorst
Today we're psyched to announce that you can share stuff from Dropbox right inside FacebookGroups! Now you ... Just like other posts to Facebook Groups, people can like or comment on anything you share from within the group. And if you ...
The Dropbox Blog
Facebook Bug Creates Wall Posts That Can Never Be Deleted
By Emily Price
I've run into a similar case… if you let your twitter post to your facebook, then later disconnecttwitter… your friends will still see those earlier twitter crossposts, but you won't, and you can't deleted them… re-connect twitter, and they magically ...
Neil Young's deceiving Twitter tease — Tech News and Analysis
By Jeff John Roberts
(Twitter didn't help matters by having its publicist hype that “Neil Young” was on Twitter). More broadly, the Neil Young episode raises questions about rights of identity in the age of social media. Companies like Facebook are already trying to ...
Log In | Facebook
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work , study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, ...
Business of Fashion (BoF) on Twitter
Business of Fashion. @BoF. Breaking news, inspiring content and unmissable fashion business intelligence from Founder and Editor of The Business of ...
My Pinterest Is Piledrivers: What The WWE Is Doing Right (Team Friendship ...
Inside Pulse
Hello there, this is James Sawyer and welcome to My Pinterest Is Piledrivers. You can cyberstalk me on twitter here, wherein you can gain access to my thoughts 24/7. Or, the 8 hours I'm awake. Potential upcoming column idea: So I have a few friends ...
Why Is Pinterest Poking Around In TV Land?
Fast Company
The battle for the living room is on, with tech giants Apple, Google, and Microsoft, and social kings Facebook and Twitter all jockeying for your attention on the TV screen. But the war for the first-screen (Xbox, Apple TV) and second-screen ...

Fast Company
Volvo and Pinterest: Re-branding Through Customer-Driven Social Media
Huffington Post (blog)
The Challenge: As we mentioned earlier this year, Pinterest has been captivating online users with its emphasis on engagement, content, and personalization. Now Volvo is taking to the Pinterest boards with a consumer-driven campaign designed to ...
The Art of the IPO: Lessons From Facebook, LinkedIn, Groupon and Zillow
Huffington Post (blog)
Summer was not kind to Facebook. It was harsher still to Groupon and Zynga. All three companies are new to the public markets. If you were to look to their debuts only, you'd be forgiven for concluding that going public is a raw deal. Each of their ...
LinkedIn denies plans to enter Pakistan
The Express Tribune
LinkedIn refuted the claims of a story filed by the state-owned wire service Associated Press of Pakistan (APP), which quoted the Board of Investment (BOI) Chairman Saleem Mandviwalla saying that Linkedin was planning to establish its offices in ...
No!! LinkedIn Just Went Klout On Us!
Business 2 Community
If you have viewed a LinkedIn profile in the last couple days, chances are you have seen a new box at the top of the page prompting you to endorse the individuals skills. Here is a screenshot of the endorse box on one of my connection's profile page ...
ShopInterest Aims for Pinterest-ed Ecommerce
EcommerceBytes (that's a top-level Colombian domain, and not a typo by yours truly) offers the vibrant Pinterest user base a way to become online sellers. Their service also works for anyone with images of items and a desire to sell to visitors. Since ...

Formal attire, 9 to 5 jobs are passé: LinkedIn survey
Hindu Business Line
He further added that LinkedIn has upgraded mobile platforms to ensure extending seamless LinkedIn experience to members. Globally, professionals selected tablets (55 per cent), cloud storage (54 per cent), flexible working hours and smart phones ...

Hindu Business Line
'New' MySpace: Can They Really Rebuild It?
Or even another music site? Probably not. We already can connect with people through Facebook or Pinterest or Twitter or Instagram or Tumblr or LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) or countless other platforms. Even Facebook has Spotify for the music side of things.
Tapiture is a “Pinterest for Bros” That Actually Has a Chance ...
By Michael Carney
Can “bros” drive commerce? Traditional wisdom says no, but brothers and Resignation Media co-founders Leo and John Resig aren't buying that. The pair launched content and commerce brand The Chive four years ago under Resignation ...
Unmetric Launches Benchmarking for Brands on Pinterest
By Jamillah Knowles
Unmetric, the social media benchmarking company, has launched Pinterest integration into its competitive intelligence platform.
The Next Web
Pinterest. More than just 1000 words. | twenty4
By Zaac Woodhead
A business can log onto Pinterest and see the type of things that users are talking about most.
Web Development, Website Development,...
Business Insider
All around the world – in France, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States – Facebook users are outraged that the social network has exposed, to all their friends, their private messages from years ago. Facebook profile pages are now ...
Business Insider
Social media as job recruitment tool, up in 2012
Deseret News
With the growth of social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, as well as lesser-known sites — Upspring, PerfectBusiness and Cofoundr — professional networking with the use of social media as a recruitment tool is becoming more prominent.
Deseret News
Last Call for College Bars
New York Times
But bar owners in the Collegetown neighborhood of Ithaca recently convened a worried summit about just this topic. Once upon a time, in the Pleistocene epoch before cellphones and social media, students used bars as meeting places, heading there after ...
New York Times
LoveIt: "LoveIt is a visual platform with powerful and collaborative tools for individuals and groups to discover, collect, organize and share the things they love via public or private collections. From chic fashion to quirky art, tasty recipes to dream vacations, and geeky gadgets to hot cars, LoveIt is a place where you can easily share images of everything that interests you, find people who have similar tastes, discover new things you may not have found otherwise, and turn those interests into actual experiences."
Social engineering: Using social media to launch a cyberattack
Washington Post
Social engineering: Using social media to launch a cyberattack. Hackers penetrate secure networks by attacking the weakest links in cyberspace: human beings. Hackers penetrate secure networks by attacking the weakest links in cyberspace: human beings.
Companies Should Reexamine Their Social Media Policies In Light Of Recent ...
The Herald |
NEWARK, N.J., Sept. 27, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ -- A recent Decision and Order issued by the National Labor Relations Board that invalidated electronic posting or social media limits enacted by Costco Wholesale Corp. could have a chilling effect on many ...
Meet The 30 Biggest Social Media Advertisers Of 2012 [Ranked]
Business Insider
Today, at Business Insider's Social Media ROI conference in New York, we'll tell you just how much advertiser money is pouring into social media, and which advertisers are making it pay off in sales. But to set the tone, it's worth knowing who the ...

Business Insider
Gilt's Susan Lyne: Selling On Facebook 'Was Like Trying To Sell Something At A ...
Business Insider
But the site, which is social in nature given that it was founded on the idea of friends inviting friends, has also found great social media successes. "For every one of our businesses, there's a social media platform that's better for that business ...
Worldwide reaction to arrest over Jill Meagher's disappearance on social media
The Australian
In the 90 minutes after news broke of the arrest, social media platforms were ablaze with news of the development and tweets mentioning Ms Meagher's name hit almost 12 million Twitter timelines, or news feeds, trending across Melbourne and Australia.
Social media engagement myths, risks and lessons to learn from Whitehall
The Guardian (blog)
Discussion about social media and government has matured in recent months. It now ranges well beyond naive digital boosterism, having boundless platform possibilities. Real experiences are feeding back what works – and what doesn't – into the plans for...

The Guardian (blog)
Daily Report: A Look at Some Social Media Winners -
In recent years, the Web has blossomed into a more egalitarian version of "American Idol," where nobodies compete for attention alongside somebodies on social media sites, Steven Leckart reports in Thursday's New York Times. Read more.
NYT Bits
Social engineering: Using social media to launch a cyberattack
Washington Post
Social engineering: Using social media to launch a cyberattack. Hackers penetrate secure networks by attacking the weakest links in cyberspace: human beings. Hackers penetrate secure networks by attacking the weakest links in cyberspace: human beings.
Companies Should Reexamine Their Social Media Policies In Light Of Recent ...
The Herald |
NEWARK, N.J., Sept. 27, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ -- A recent Decision and Order issued by the National Labor Relations Board that invalidated electronic posting or social media limits enacted by Costco Wholesale Corp. could have a chilling effect on many ...
Meet The 30 Biggest Social Media Advertisers Of 2012 [Ranked]
Business Insider
Today, at Business Insider's Social Media ROI conference in New York, we'll tell you just how much advertiser money is pouring into social media, and which advertisers are making it pay off in sales. But to set the tone, it's worth knowing who the ...
Business Insider
Gilt's Susan Lyne: Selling On Facebook 'Was Like Trying To Sell Something At A ...
Business Insider
But the site, which is social in nature given that it was founded on the idea of friends inviting friends, has also found great social media successes. "For every one of our businesses, there's a social media platform that's better for that business ...
Worldwide reaction to arrest over Jill Meagher's disappearance on social media
The Australian
In the 90 minutes after news broke of the arrest, social media platforms were ablaze with news of the development and tweets mentioning Ms Meagher's name hit almost 12 million Twitter timelines, or news feeds, trending across Melbourne and Australia.
Social media engagement myths, risks and lessons to learn from Whitehall
The Guardian (blog)
Discussion about social media and government has matured in recent months. It now ranges well beyond naive digital boosterism, having boundless platform possibilities. Real experiences are feeding back what works – and what doesn't – into the plans for...
The Guardian (blog)
Daily Report: A Look at Some Social Media Winners -
In recent years, the Web has blossomed into a more egalitarian version of "American Idol," where nobodies compete for attention alongside somebodies on social media sites, Steven Leckart reports in Thursday's New York Times. Read more.
NYT Bits
Students Are Choosing Colleges With Social Media Clout [STUDY]
By Joann Pan
A survey of 7000 high school students by Zinch reveals almost two-thirds of students are turning tosocial media when deciding which college or university to attend.
The Marketing Tactic that Social Media Marketers Often Forget ...
By Huyen Truong
Pinterest is a popular paranoia, Instagram is indecently addictive and Facebook is so big you cannot ignore it. Social media is the hot business marketing trend. It is discussed at coffee shops, dinner parties and countless conferences. You can ...
Jeffbullas's Blog
How social media is sinking Mitt Romney | Digital Trends
By Molly McHugh
Love or hate his politics, Mitt Romney's recurring social media slipups show how technology is changing the campaign game, and steepening on the learning curve.
Are Companies Responsible for Employees' Social Media Failures ...
By Patrick Coffee
Are Companies Responsible for Employees' Social Media Failures?
Myspace re-enters the social media ring with yet another rebrand ...
Justin Timberlake shed his boy band image to launch a successful career. Can he help Myspace do the same thing?
Infographics are not a Social Media Strategy: The need for social ...
It's not every day that I focus on social media tactics. However, I'm sharing this post to address a growing concern among social media and digital strategists and ...
WA governor candidate forum going social with a Google+ Hangout
The Seattle Times (blog)
SEATTLE — The YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish (YWCA) and their advocacy network, Firesteel, are hosting two round table discussions with the 2012 candidates for Washington state governor, Jay Inslee and Rob McKenna. Each one will answer ...
Google+ A Ghost Town? Maybe It's Your Fault
Marketing Pilgrim
Perhaps you've tried Google Plus, but came away a little frustrated. As I noted in an earlier post, Google Plus isn't the place for high school reunions. Many of your friends may not be a part of Google Plus and you won't see lots of old photos of ...
Marketing Pilgrim
Google Brings Interactive Google+ Events Notifications To Gmail, Lets You ...
Google+ users will also be able to share photos that were attached to the event. Earlier this year, Google introduced interactive Google+ email notifications, which allow Google+ users to view, comment and +1 posts from Gmail without having to leave ...
Come 'Hang Out with Harvey' in FSU Google+ live chat at 1 pm
Orlando Sentinel (blog)
Join Orlando Sentinel Florida State reporter Coley Harvey and national college football insider Matt Murschel for another edition of our Google+ "Hang Out with Harvey" live chat. The chat begins at 1 p.m. and will last until 1:30 p.m.. After a week off ...
Google+ trends: Happy birthday Google, 'Iron Man' from space
Yahoo! Philippines News
Google+ users are wishing Google a happy birthday on September 27 and buzzing about a Buddhist statue with extraterrestrial origins. Google celebrated its 14th birthday on September 27 by featuring an animated interactive Google Doodle of a chocolate ...
Come Hangout with Us and Discuss Food Waste
Sustainablog (blog)
A couple of weeks ago, several of us at Important Media started playing with Google+'s “Hangout on Air” feature, which essentially lets you hold a face-to-face online meetings, and broadcast it. We're hooked now, and decided we've had enough practice ...
Google+ Saved My Mom's Photos
Gotta Be Mobile
After sending off for a replacement phone, my mom told me the only thing she lost were her smartphone photos, but thanks to Google+ she didn't lose a thing. When my mom picked the LG Lucid on Verizon for her first smartphone, one of the first things I ...
Gotta Be Mobile
Video: Virtual roundtable discussion on the #Cybercrimelaw using Google ...
Blog Watch Citizen Media (blog)
This is a first in virtual discussion where we used Google Hangout with Youtube, livestream using , and twitter using the hashtag #cybercrimelaw. Atty JJ Disini and Atty Francis Acero discussed the questionable provisions ...
Blog Watch Citizen Media (blog)
Moms Matter 2012 Hangout - September 26
In our first ever Google Hangout, Election Correspondent Lindsay Ferrier speaks with conservative Republican blogger, Jenny Erikson (@JennyErikson) and tried-and-true Democrat writer and attorney, Nadia Jones (@JusticeJonsie) about the topics on the ...
Google Adds Another Dash Of Google+ To Gmail | WebProNews
By Chris Crum
The integration of Google+ into Gmail continues. Today, Google announced it has added interactive email notifications for Google+ Events invitations, so you can RSVP, invite and comment from the inbox. Google's Roshni Malani says you can ...
Top News - WebProNews
Bugs When Merging Google+ Pages With Local
By admin
The update isn't completely bug-free (is it ever?) so it's a good idea to be prepared for some of these issues before attempting a merger.
Local Surge Media - Austin's...
By admin
The update isn't completely bug-free (is it ever?) so it's a good idea to be prepared for some of these issues before attempting a merger.
Local Surge Media - Austin's...
5 Ways to Manage Your Google+ Community | SiteProNews ...
By Dawn Pigoni
Google+ can play an essential role your social media strategy, you not managing it properly then you will not see results you hope for. The time energy you put into sites like Facebook Twitter should also divided into your Google+ community ...
SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources
Retweets, Facebook 'likes' can be libelous
MANILA, Philippines - Retweeting a comment on Twitter or clicking a Facebook "like" button can result in a lawsuit and imprisonment under the anti-cybercrime law's libel provision, a lawyer warned Thursday. Internet law expert Atty. JJ Disini said one ...
Giving Twitter star TJ Lang the final word
ESPN (blog)
Green Bay Packers guard T.J. Lang started off the Twitter reaction to Monday night's debacle at CenturyLink Field, so we might as well let him wrap it up as well. Here was Lang's reaction Thursday morning to news that the NFL had ended the lockout of ...
Instagram Beats Twitter in Daily Mobile Users for the First Time, Data Says
All Things Digital
That data comes from comScore, via a new mobile measurement report: It says that throughout August, Instagram had an average of 7.3 million daily active users — or DAUs, in Facebookparlance. That tops of Twitter's 6.868 million DAUs over the same ...
Facebook Begins Eliminating Fake Likes
ABC News
Facebook has begun eliminating fake Likes on brand Pages, after pledging to ramp up security in August. On Wednesday, the social network started weeding out bogus Likes caused by compromised accounts, deceived users, malware or purchased bulk...
ABC News
Big Advertisers Are Saying Lots Of Things About Facebook This Morning And ...
Business Insider
Selling things on Facebook, Lyne said, is like selling things in a bar. Lyne said Gilt has had exceptional success on Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter, albeit for different brands. Pinterest has been huge for JetSetter, because of all the beautiful ...
Business Insider
Facebook page publicizing 'snitches' in Tacoma
The Seattle Times (blog)
A Facebook page dedicated to publicizing "snitches" in the Tacoma area is being watched by law enforcement. Officials say the information posted on "Tacoma Snitches" is public information available in media reports and court documents. But KOMO News ...
Twitter reacts to NFL referees' return
@SJSamano: *Breaking News*: The #NFL and referees union may or may not have reached a deal, according to every #NFL reporter on Twitter. More to come. @MikeSielskiWSJ: Twitter at the moment: THE REFS ARE BACK! ARE NOT! ARE TOO! ARE NOT!
Facebook's $4.5 billion secret weapon
(NYSE:LNKD) and Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) have taken steps to limit their social networks' dependence on third-party ads, it seems like the best Facebook can do is ponder how they can improve the functionality of their mobile app. What if we told you ...
Facebook blasted for Jewish memes page
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
SYDNEY (JTA) -- A Jewish leader in Australia blasted Facebook for continuing to allow access to a page that “constitutes hate speech against Jews.” Peter Wertheim, the executive director of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, lashed out at the ...
Facebook Developer Consolidation: Marketing Outfit Betapond Buys ...
By Ingrid Lunden
Conversocial is a social customer service SaaS tool for Facebook and Twitter. It enables organizations to plug in their customer service teams to Facebook and Twitter, enabling better customer service and reporting with less agent time ...
Twitter Blog: TechWomen and my experience at Twitter
By Twitter
During my stay, I studied the impact Twitter had on Egypt and the MENA region, and I worked on research related to RTL (right-to-left) support in Twitter and other social media counterparts likeFacebook and Google+ from a native perspective.
Twitter Blog
Share stuff from Dropbox in your Facebook ... - The Dropbox Blog
By Chris Varenhorst
Today we're psyched to announce that you can share stuff from Dropbox right inside FacebookGroups! Now you ... Just like other posts to Facebook Groups, people can like or comment on anything you share from within the group. And if you ...
The Dropbox Blog
Facebook Bug Creates Wall Posts That Can Never Be Deleted
By Emily Price
I've run into a similar case… if you let your twitter post to your facebook, then later disconnecttwitter… your friends will still see those earlier twitter crossposts, but you won't, and you can't deleted them… re-connect twitter, and they magically ...
Neil Young's deceiving Twitter tease — Tech News and Analysis
By Jeff John Roberts
(Twitter didn't help matters by having its publicist hype that “Neil Young” was on Twitter). More broadly, the Neil Young episode raises questions about rights of identity in the age of social media. Companies like Facebook are already trying to ...
Log In | Facebook
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work , study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, ...
Business of Fashion (BoF) on Twitter
Business of Fashion. @BoF. Breaking news, inspiring content and unmissable fashion business intelligence from Founder and Editor of The Business of ...
My Pinterest Is Piledrivers: What The WWE Is Doing Right (Team Friendship ...
Inside Pulse
Hello there, this is James Sawyer and welcome to My Pinterest Is Piledrivers. You can cyberstalk me on twitter here, wherein you can gain access to my thoughts 24/7. Or, the 8 hours I'm awake. Potential upcoming column idea: So I have a few friends ...
Why Is Pinterest Poking Around In TV Land?
Fast Company
The battle for the living room is on, with tech giants Apple, Google, and Microsoft, and social kings Facebook and Twitter all jockeying for your attention on the TV screen. But the war for the first-screen (Xbox, Apple TV) and second-screen ...
Fast Company
Volvo and Pinterest: Re-branding Through Customer-Driven Social Media
Huffington Post (blog)
The Challenge: As we mentioned earlier this year, Pinterest has been captivating online users with its emphasis on engagement, content, and personalization. Now Volvo is taking to the Pinterest boards with a consumer-driven campaign designed to ...
The Art of the IPO: Lessons From Facebook, LinkedIn, Groupon and Zillow
Huffington Post (blog)
Summer was not kind to Facebook. It was harsher still to Groupon and Zynga. All three companies are new to the public markets. If you were to look to their debuts only, you'd be forgiven for concluding that going public is a raw deal. Each of their ...
LinkedIn denies plans to enter Pakistan
The Express Tribune
LinkedIn refuted the claims of a story filed by the state-owned wire service Associated Press of Pakistan (APP), which quoted the Board of Investment (BOI) Chairman Saleem Mandviwalla saying that Linkedin was planning to establish its offices in ...
No!! LinkedIn Just Went Klout On Us!
Business 2 Community
If you have viewed a LinkedIn profile in the last couple days, chances are you have seen a new box at the top of the page prompting you to endorse the individuals skills. Here is a screenshot of the endorse box on one of my connection's profile page ...
ShopInterest Aims for Pinterest-ed Ecommerce
EcommerceBytes (that's a top-level Colombian domain, and not a typo by yours truly) offers the vibrant Pinterest user base a way to become online sellers. Their service also works for anyone with images of items and a desire to sell to visitors. Since ...
Formal attire, 9 to 5 jobs are passé: LinkedIn survey
Hindu Business Line
He further added that LinkedIn has upgraded mobile platforms to ensure extending seamless LinkedIn experience to members. Globally, professionals selected tablets (55 per cent), cloud storage (54 per cent), flexible working hours and smart phones ...
Hindu Business Line
'New' MySpace: Can They Really Rebuild It?
Or even another music site? Probably not. We already can connect with people through Facebook or Pinterest or Twitter or Instagram or Tumblr or LinkedIn (NYSE:LNKD) or countless other platforms. Even Facebook has Spotify for the music side of things.
Tapiture is a “Pinterest for Bros” That Actually Has a Chance ...
By Michael Carney
Can “bros” drive commerce? Traditional wisdom says no, but brothers and Resignation Media co-founders Leo and John Resig aren't buying that. The pair launched content and commerce brand The Chive four years ago under Resignation ...
Unmetric Launches Benchmarking for Brands on Pinterest
By Jamillah Knowles
Unmetric, the social media benchmarking company, has launched Pinterest integration into its competitive intelligence platform.
The Next Web
Pinterest. More than just 1000 words. | twenty4
By Zaac Woodhead
A business can log onto Pinterest and see the type of things that users are talking about most.
Web Development, Website Development,...