California Protects Social Media Accounts From the Grasp of ...
By Jamie Condliffe
A small victory in the fight for digital privacy: California Governor Jerry Brown has announced his signing of bills to prevent employers and universities from demanding social network login.
By Jamie Condliffe
A small victory in the fight for digital privacy: California Governor Jerry Brown has announced his signing of bills to prevent employers and universities from demanding social network login.
California governor signs laws protecting social media accounts ...
By Jeff Blagdon
The fight to prevent California employers and universities from demanding your Facebook login as a condition of employment or enrollment officially ended on Thursday, as California Governor Jerry...
The Verge - All Posts
By Jeff Blagdon
The fight to prevent California employers and universities from demanding your Facebook login as a condition of employment or enrollment officially ended on Thursday, as California Governor Jerry...
The Verge - All Posts
PCWorld (blog)
It's only September, but Facebook is already getting into the gift-giving spirit with a new feature that lets you send physical items such as cupcakes, gift cards, stuffed animals, and magazine subscriptions to your Facebook friends. The new feature ...
ComScore: Instagram Tops Twitter in Mobile Engagement
Wall Street Journal (blog)
There's more evidence that Instagram has better engagement, too: the same ComScore report says the average Instagram user spent 257 minutes accessing Instagram in August, compared to 169.9 minutes spent on Twitter. So, now Facebook's massive ...
Facebook Seeks Next-Generation Big Data Tools
Facebook Seeks Next-Generation Big Data Tools. Social network giant Facebook and venture capital blue chip Accel Partners think emerging platforms like Hadoop deserve new business intelligence, data visualization, and analytics tools. | Doug Henschen ...
Facebook 'friend' with inmate no longer firing offense
It will no longer be an automatic firing offense for Texas prison guards to have a Facebook friendship with a convict, the Austin American-Statesman reports, mainly because it is almost impossible for anyone to monitor the status of thousands of prison ...
Halsey Twitter abuser cautioned by police
The football fan who sent an abusive Twitter message to Premier League referee and cancer survivor Mark Halsey following last weekend's Liverpool v Manchester United game has been cautioned by police. Mark Halsey red card Liverpool Man United ...
Twitter, Facebook can be powerful law enforcement tools
Baltimore Sun
To head off problems such as the unruly, violent crowds that descended on Towson and downtown Baltimore this year, police departments locally and across the nation are seeking new ways to tap into Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.
Facebook-Datalogix deal may skirt privacy promises
A partnership with a data collector called Datalogix may violate parts of a recent FTC consent order that outlined privacy principles Facebook should follow, wrote the Center for Digital Democracy (CDD) and the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).
Facebook gives Poland a Like with Central Europe office
Wroclaw's efforts turned out to be in vain, as earlier this month Facebook's preference for the Polish capital became clear when it created a new Careers page for the city. (Although at the moment there are no open positions available.) The offices are ...
LinkedIn Has Left A Gaping Hole That Startups Are Scrambling To Fill
Business Insider
Scott Belsky and his team at Behance have built up a big business giving these professionals a more creative solution than LinkedIn (see an example of a Behance resume below). Contently, a database of freelance and aspiring writers, recently released ...
Business Insider
New LinkedIn Endorsements May Benefit College Students
U.S. News & World Report
When she explains LinkedIn's new "endorsement" feature, Canfield, now the network's senior manager of corporate communications, points to the old advertising adage: It's much more credible to get customers to endorse a product or service than for the ...
U.S. News & World Report
LinkedIn Has Changed The Way Companies Talk To People
Business Insider
In a discussion at Business Insider's Social Media ROI Conference, LinkedIn'sExecutive Editor Dan Roth spoke about some of the unique ways companies are using the platform. He cited an internal poll which found that 78 percent of people useLinkedIn ...
Business Insider
Shh: How to Use LinkedIn to Change Careers Without Telling Your Boss
Huffington Post
How do you use LinkedIn to get a new job -- without alerting your coworkers or boss that you've got one foot out the door? A reader of my blog, Corporette, recently wrote in with a great question: I am nearly six years into my first job, which is in ...
Pinterest emerging as promising platform for green marketers (blog)
Over the past 12 months, Pinterest has witnessed explosive growth. The site has topped 23 million unique visitors and average site visit time is nearly 100 minutes per month, making it one of the largest and most engaging social networks around. AdAge... (blog)
Instagram and LinkedIn do the old "pick and roll" on Twitter
Upstart (blog)
In a seemingly unrelated move (as is necessary for a successful pick and roll), back in July Twitter announced it would no longer allow users to post tweets automatically to LinkedIn under the pretense that they wanted to ensure a higher user ...
Scaling Pinterest and adventures in database sharding
Pinterest has learned about scaling the way most popular sites do — the architecture works until one day it doesn't. But in a talk at the Surge Conference two Pinterest engineers shared their wars stories. Here's what they learned about keeping it ...
How Dobango Helps Foster Consumer Relationships On Pinterest
Fast Company
Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest have ushered in visual marketing as the breakout trend for 2012. When it comes to their products, businesses are learning to show, not tell, and visual content sites are fueling our desire for ...
Fast Company
5 Ways to Use Pinterest for Your Business
Business 2 Community
By now, we should all be familiar with Pinterest, the social site where you pin anything and everything you like. You might have already been sucked into looking at pictures of cute animals, colorful arts and crafts, and antique furniture. If you haven ...
What Problem Is Pinterest Solving?
MediaPost Communications
As we discussed the idea of creating a way for oncology patients to find others like themselves on Pinterest, and share inspirational pins, one of the clients turned to me and asked, “What problem are we trying to solve?” An interesting question ...
The Key To Social Network Success: Rip Off Pinterest?
By John Paul Titlow
Your social network has fallen from its 2006-era prime. You need to reposition yourself and regain the attention of users who have long since moved on. What do you do? Take a page from the Pinterestplaybook.
LinkedIn identifies the top-10 endangered office tools and trends
By Wayne Williams
The office workplace is continually evolving. New technologies and trends -- like cloud computing and BYOD schemes -- are becoming more and more popular, but not every firm is willing to embrace the future, and many are stuck firmly in the ...
4 girls in custody in brutal Chester beating posted on Facebook
Philadelphia Inquirer
Posted on Facebook, a video of the brutal assault, which took place Tuesday or Wednesday, has a soundtrack, too, with tough talk, expletives, and girlish laughter. "Talk to her first, talk to her first," one attacker squealed, suggesting how to set the ...

Philadelphia Inquirer
Facebook Lets Users Buy Real Things for Friends -
Facebook announced that people could send real gifts to the homes or workplaces of Facebookfriends. Cupcakes, sunglasses or fruit can be bought. It's an experiment to get people to spend money on the site. Read more...
NYT Bits
Philadelphia Inquirer
Posted on Facebook, a video of the brutal assault, which took place Tuesday or Wednesday, has a soundtrack, too, with tough talk, expletives, and girlish laughter. "Talk to her first, talk to her first," one attacker squealed, suggesting how to set the ...
Philadelphia Inquirer
Facebook Lets Users Buy Real Things for Friends -
Facebook announced that people could send real gifts to the homes or workplaces of Facebookfriends. Cupcakes, sunglasses or fruit can be bought. It's an experiment to get people to spend money on the site. Read more...
NYT Bits
Have Just A Phone Number? iOS 6 Facebook Integration Can Fill In ...
By Darrell Etherington
A tipster pointed out to us that Facebook integration in iOS 6 could fill in details someone might not otherwise have if they get a hold of a phone number and put it into their Contacts app. Daniel ... View Staff Page Follow me on twitter. A writer ...
Ads Aren't Reshaping Twitter, Twitter Is Reshaping Ads
By Dan Frommer
Lost in the recent noise about Twitter's developer relations and product designs is that Twitter is quickly (and relatively quietly) becoming a successful advertising business. And it's doing this in its own way: Not by running banner ads or video ...
Facebook Messenger for BlackBerry reaches App World, sates ...
By Jon Fingas
If you own a BlackBerry, it might not have been immediately apparent that Facebook Messenger has been an option since October; unlike with. ... Trending posts from Engadget on Twitter, updated hourly. Facebook Gifts swaps virtual trinkets ...
Surprise! Facebook looks to boost revenue, mobile with Gifts - GigaOM
By Ki Mae Heussner
Social networking giant Facebook is rolling out a new gift-giving service that enables users to exchange physical gifts entirely through its platform. The new feature is based on technologyFacebook acquired when it purchased the startup ...
California Employers Can't Ask For Your Facebook Password ...
Facebook has also said it has experienced an increase in reports of employers seeking to ... 100 of 142 comments loaded twitter facebook · Share on Google+ ...
Facebook has also said it has experienced an increase in reports of employers seeking to ... 100 of 142 comments loaded twitter facebook · Share on Google+ ...
Facebook's plan to find its next billion users - Quartz
After becoming President Hugo Chávez's 3 millionth follower on Twitter, the .... This is the story ofFacebook's rapidly unfolding plan to take over the world, or at ...
How a Diner Gets the Most Out of Social Media
New York Times (blog)
The restaurants are open seven days a week, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. While online commenters rave about the food, I can't get over how creatively this little chain has managed its social media. It has a Web site and a custom mobile site. It promotes the ...
New York Times (blog)
California bars employers from demanding employees' social media log-in info
It's officially illegal for employers and universities in California to request social media log-in information—that is, user names and passwords for Facebook, Twitter, or e-mail—from employees and students. On Thursday, California Governor Jerry ...
NLRB Slams Costco On Social Media Use Policy: What It Means For Your ...
7 ruling by the NLRB that essentially invalidates Costco Wholesale Corp's employee policies covering the use of the Internet and in particular, social media. The decision comes nearly two years after Local 371 of the United Food and Commercial Workers ...
The Best Ways to Use Social Media in Your Job Search
Whether you are just thinking about making a job change, looking for your first job after college, or find yourself unexpectedly amongst the unemployed, you will find that having a social media job search strategy will greatly increase the number of ...
Social media startup Buzzient leaves Boston, sheds employees, seeks new ...
Then, yesterday, Jones published a blog post that accused Boston venture capitalists of missing the opportunity to invest in startups that help corporate customers weave social media into their business processes. Jones wrote: Investors on the west ...
Ford's Bold New Social Media Strategy Has Inherent Risks
Business Insider
Business Insider, Max Nisen. Scott Monty, far left, described Ford's strategy. At Business Insider's Social Media ROI Conference yesterday, Ford's head of global digital communications director Scott Monty talked about his company's approach tosocial ...
Business Insider
Have a black belt in social media marketing? You may want to sign up for the ...
By Chris Reidy, Globe Staff. Think of it as an elevator-pitch competition for social media marketing ideas, only with some of the pitches submitted by video. That seems to be the idea behind a Friday announcement from Dunkin' Donuts and its ad agency ...
Social media savvy make talent more valuable
For those who don't know already, measures individuals' social mediainfluence on a scale of 1-100; criteria include number of Twitter followers and the degree to which they engage you. Other platforms, like Facebook, can be added later, but ...
How to Avoid the Big 5 Social Media Mistakes Corporations Make
My biggest challenge right now is mastering the vastness of social media and I suspect I am not alone. No matter what size company you work for, facing customers, partners, vendors, investors or the public means you better get good at LinkedIn, Twitter ...
Employers Banned From Asking For Social Media Passwords In ...
By Gregory Ferenstein
A newly signed California law forbids employers and universities from asking employees and applicants for their social media passwords. The law was hastily developed in response to a string of reports last spring of employers coercing ...
Behind the Social Media Campaigns of Obama and Romney
By Samantha Murphy
The and nights of those running Obama's and Romney's social media campaigns are long and exhausting, but the payoff could be huge for either party.
Navigating Carmageddon II [Google+ Hangout on Air]
Los Angeles Times
Transportation officials will shut down a 10-mile stretch of the nation's busiest freeway this weekend for the second time in 14 months. What does the 53-hour closure mean for traffic in the region? What can motorists expect after the project is completed?
Bruno Mars Takes Fans To 'Heaven' With New Single
Mars will unleash "Heaven" upon the masses Monday during a live chat and Google+ Hangout at 7 p.m. ET, during which the Grammy winner will talk about the new track as well as answer fan questions. You can participate in the conversation by asking the...
Google+ trends: Lewis Hamilton moves to Mercedes, 'Last Resort' premieres
Yahoo! Philippines News
On Friday, September 28, Google+ is abuzz with Lewis Hamilton's move to Mercedes and the US premiere of TV show Last Resort. Hamilton has caused waves in the world of Formula 1 after moving from McLaren to rival Mercedes, having been with McLaren ...
White House Hangout: Combating Human Trafficking
The White House
In a Google+ Hangout moderated by Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Joshua DuBois, Executive Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls Tina Tchen, Senior Director for Multilateral ...
Google+ Local Pages Not Showing Categories
Search Engine Roundtable
Jade Wang from Google said in a Google Places Help thread there are confirmed reports on the categories not showing up on Google+ Local pages. Jade explained, "It seems that categories are not appearing on some local Google+ pages. (Or, relatedly ...
Bing and Klout partnership hints at Google+ advantage
Bing has announced that it will be teaming up with social-influence ranking tool Klout to integrate its signals into the search algorithm and provide superior results. The move is a step toward a more "author-led" understanding of content on the web ...
Oops! Anti-Apple Maps ad reveals Google Maps' own failing
Oops! Anti-Apple Maps ad reveals Google Maps' own failing. In an ad on Google+, Google's Motorola Mobility pointed out that Apple Maps couldn't even find a simple address in Manhattan. The only problem is that that particular address doesn't exist.
What You Missed: White House Hangout on Combating Human ...
By cmeister
Following President Obama's speech about his administration's efforts to combat human trafficking, White House Administration Officials joined a live video chat to answer questions from the public.
White Blog Feed
Los Angeles Times
Transportation officials will shut down a 10-mile stretch of the nation's busiest freeway this weekend for the second time in 14 months. What does the 53-hour closure mean for traffic in the region? What can motorists expect after the project is completed?
Bruno Mars Takes Fans To 'Heaven' With New Single
Mars will unleash "Heaven" upon the masses Monday during a live chat and Google+ Hangout at 7 p.m. ET, during which the Grammy winner will talk about the new track as well as answer fan questions. You can participate in the conversation by asking the...
Google+ trends: Lewis Hamilton moves to Mercedes, 'Last Resort' premieres
Yahoo! Philippines News
On Friday, September 28, Google+ is abuzz with Lewis Hamilton's move to Mercedes and the US premiere of TV show Last Resort. Hamilton has caused waves in the world of Formula 1 after moving from McLaren to rival Mercedes, having been with McLaren ...
White House Hangout: Combating Human Trafficking
The White House
In a Google+ Hangout moderated by Executive Director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Joshua DuBois, Executive Director of the White House Council on Women and Girls Tina Tchen, Senior Director for Multilateral ...
Google+ Local Pages Not Showing Categories
Search Engine Roundtable
Jade Wang from Google said in a Google Places Help thread there are confirmed reports on the categories not showing up on Google+ Local pages. Jade explained, "It seems that categories are not appearing on some local Google+ pages. (Or, relatedly ...
Bing and Klout partnership hints at Google+ advantage
Bing has announced that it will be teaming up with social-influence ranking tool Klout to integrate its signals into the search algorithm and provide superior results. The move is a step toward a more "author-led" understanding of content on the web ...
Oops! Anti-Apple Maps ad reveals Google Maps' own failing
Oops! Anti-Apple Maps ad reveals Google Maps' own failing. In an ad on Google+, Google's Motorola Mobility pointed out that Apple Maps couldn't even find a simple address in Manhattan. The only problem is that that particular address doesn't exist.
What You Missed: White House Hangout on Combating Human ...
By cmeister
Following President Obama's speech about his administration's efforts to combat human trafficking, White House Administration Officials joined a live video chat to answer questions from the public.
White Blog Feed